What requirements should medical pressure transducers meet?

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You may not be familiar with pressure transducers, but they are commonly used in medicine. Medical pressure transducers‍ can be divided into many different types, and all types should meet the following requirements to ensure the effectiveness of use.

pressure transducer

1. Good performance

Medical pressure transducers‍ should perform well in terms of sensitivity, repeatability, frequency response range, temperature drift and signal-to-noise ratio, so that they are not susceptible to external conditions during use.

2. Insulation and good firmness

Since the transducer‍ will be in contact with human body, good electrical insulation performance is essential for human safety. In addition, in order to prevent damage and detachment when it is introduced into the part to be detected, good firmness is indispensable.

3. Good compatibility and easy operation

Medical transducers entering human body should adapt to various chemical reactions in the human body, which requires that the transducer is compatible with the chemical composition in the organism, is not easy to corrode and will not cause adverse stimulation to the human body. When the transducer enters the bloodstream or is implanted in the body for a long time, it will not cause blood clotting, etc., and the device should be easy to operate.

Simply put, medical pressure transducers‍ should meet the above requirements and adapt to human anatomy in terms of structure and shape, so as to ensure that the transducer plays a role and will not cause adverse effects on the human body.


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